We were very excited to present the RCKS Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation Scholarship to our winner, Makoa, on Monday!  Makoa plans to attend the University of Hawaii where he will study pharmaceutical sciences.  
Makoa has been inspired by the native plants on island and their many healing properties.  He hopes to one day be able to make medicines from those plants to help his neighbors and friends on island.  We congratulate Makoa and wish him well on his journey to discovering his dream.  We know he will go far!  We also believe that he will make a fine Rotarian some day very soon!
The Hawaii Rotary Youth Foundation (HRYF) enables Rotary Clubs in Hawaii to recognize outstanding seniors whose academics and service oriented drive make them stand out from their peers.  Read more about this amazing organization by visiting their website:  https://www.hawaiirotaryyouthfoundation.org/